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PRESIDENT: "Respected members of the faculty and fellow members of the Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society. Let us now proceed with the initiation into our Society of the candidates who are here presented. Is there anyone present who has reason to believe why any one of them should not be admitted as a member? If so, please reveal it now."

(Here the President will pause long enough to permit a reply.)

PRESIDENT: "The Secretary will now call the roll of the candidates. Let each one answer as his name is spoken."

(This could be optional depending upon the number of candidates.)

PRESIDENT: "Who will sponsor these candidates?"

COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE OR VICE-PRESIDENT will rise: "I shall be glad to sponsor these candidates."

PRESIDENT: "Have these candidates met their preliminary obligations to the Society?"

VICE PRESIDENT: "They have."

PRESIDENT: "Have these candidates been instructed as to the purpose and scope of our Society?"

VICE-PRESIDENT: "They have been so instructed."

PRESIDENT: "Do you have their membership records properly completed?"


PRESIDENT: "Do you believe them to be fit candidates for initiation into our Society?"


PRESIDENT: "Candidates, the simplicity of this ceremony indicates the serious purpose of our Society. You have just reason to feel proud that the members of this chapter have found in you those qualities which they believe most desirable for the perpetuation of the aims and ideals of the Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society. In placing the seal of their approval upon you, they charge you to assume leadership in all activities appropriate to a biologist: to maintain high scholarship, to promote active research among your membership, and to acquaint others with the results of all worthy achievements in biological fields. Are you willing to accept this charge and do you promise to acquit yourselves worthily of the responsibilities entailed by membership in this Society? If so, please reply, 'I do'.

(President pauses give candidates time to reply.)

PRESIDENT: "In honor societies it is customary to have emblems significant to them. The special meaning of those signs and symbols which are unique to our Society should be explained to you.

The official coat-of-arms of the Society consists of a simple heraldic shield with a scroll beneath it bearing the motto of the Society in Greek: 'Truth shall spring out of the earth'. The shield is diagonally divided, the upper right being silver; the lower left, black. In the silver field is a fiery cloud out of which appears a hand bearing a pearl. In the black field is a Shasta daisy in blossom.

This shield is full of meaningful symbolism, appropriate to the biological profession. In the black field, representing ignorance, grows the green, white, and gold flower of the Society, the Shasta daisy, representing Truth seeking to rise toward the light. In the silver sky of light and knowledge appears the fiery cloud of intellectual inspiration, out of which a hand comes bearing the pearl, the Society jewel, most interesting biologically of all precious stones, emblematic of a scientist's reward, the consciousness of duty well done.

The emblem of this Society consists of an ancient watchkey formed of the Greek letters Phi and Sigma, the former being superimposed upon the latter. Together, they signify FELLOWS IN SCIENCE. Fellowship in science includes ardent cooperative effort, effective leadership, and creative scholarship."

The vice-President shall rise and address the President.

VICE-PRESIDENT: "Mr./Ms. President, as Chairman of the Membership Committee, I move that these candidates be unanimously accepted into the Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society."

This motion shall be seconded by the Treasurer.

TREASURER: "I second this motion."

PRESIDENT: "The motion has been made by the Chairman of the Membership Committee and seconded by our Treasurer that these candidates be unanimously accepted into the Phi Sigma Biological Honor Society. Will those who are in favor of this motion please rise?"

Members all rise and remain standing.

PRESIDENT: "Candidates: By virtue of the authority committed to me by the National Council and by the chapters of the Society and as President of this chapter, I proclaim you members in good standing of the Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society in _____________________ Chapter and welcome you into its fellowship. In testimony thereof, I ask you to step forward and receive your properties of membership as your name is called."

The Secretary will call the roll of candidates giving each time to come forward and receive said properties of membership.



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Site Created and Maintained by Catherine Woodworth Wong and Gene Wong
Last Updated on July 28, 2002