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Dear Prospective New Member,

This semester, Institution's Chapter of The Phi Sigma Society invites you to join its membership.   The Phi Sigma Society is the national honor society devoted to the promotion of undergraduate and graduate student research and academic excellence in the biological sciences.  You have been selected for membership based upon your academic major and your academic grade-point-average.   Our current membership is composed of faculty members, graduate students, and senior and junior undergraduate students who have demonstrated superior academic performance in the field of biology.

In the past, the Institution's Chapter has been active in sponsoring guest lectures, field trips, and supporting student research.  Last year, our projects included (indicate chapter activities...).  The proceeds from these activities are used to acknowledge superior undergraduate and graduate research.

If you wish to join our organization, forms will be available at location and on the web at   A password, available only to your chapter's executive board, will be required to access the online forms.  Membership forms and a $50.00 payment must be submitted no later than (time, date...).   For this one-time-only initiation fee, you will receive a membership document suitable for framing (embossed with the Phi Sigma seal, including your name lettered in calligraphy) from the National Headquarters, a Phi Sigma pin, a one-year subscription to Bioscience, and inclusion in our national database.   Initiation into The Phi Sigma society is a lifetime membership and acknowledgement of superior achievement in the biological sciences.

The initiation ceremony will be held on time, day, location (dress is semi-formal).  Friends and family are welcome to attend.  Please RSVP to Chapter President whether or not you can attend the initiation ceremony (note:  certificates and pins will NOT be mailed -- attendance at the initiation is required to pick up your certificate and pin).  Congratulations!



Student President
Phi Sigma Society, Chapter
Student Vice-President
Phi Sigma Society, Chapter


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Site Created and Maintained by Catherine Woodworth Wong and Gene Wong
Last Updated on June 19, 2001