What is an academic honor society?
An honor society is an association of primarily collegiate chapters whose purposes are to recognize and encourage high scholarship and/or leadership achievement in some broad or specialized field of study.
Why join Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society?
Membership in Phi Sigma is not merely for recognition of academic excellence and achievement; it also serves to further develop interests, knowledge, and opportunities in biological sciences. Whether you intend to further your academic career, put your experience to immediate use in industry or government, or explore a new career direction, Phi Sigma will give you an opportunity to use your knowledge in ways that classroom experience alone cannot. Phi Sigma is a cross-section of undergraduate and graduate students and professional people with unique interests and experience in biology. As such, they can offer a wealth of perspectives that can assist you in your career development. We urge you to take advantage of this opportunity for social, educational, and professional advancement!
Who can join the Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society?
Students who are enrolled in an accredited 4-year college or university, who have shown research interest, and who have received an equivalent of at least two years of college credit of which at least one-fourth is in the biological sciences, with a scholarship rating in the upper thirty-five percent of their class, shall be eligible for active membership. This minimum ACHS requirement is modified by chapter bylaws; at least a B average is expected together with other qualifications suitable to the local chapters, particularly for graduate students.
What do I receive for my membership fee?
The cost of joining Phi Sigma is a $50, one-time-only fee. Often individual chapters will include a small fee in addition to the fee required by the national office. This national office fee covers processing your membership information, an official Phi Sigma Pin, a Certificate of Membership, and a choice of honor cords or stoles for graduation. You pay no annual dues. In addition, Student Members are eligible to apply for Phi Sigma Student Travel Grant funds.
How can I obtain insignia items?
Phi Sigma jewelry and insignia items can be purchased from Award Concepts.
How can I obtain honor cords?
Honor cords can be obtained from Schoen Trimming & Cord Co. Their phone number is (212) 255-3949.
Forms: Honor Cords | Honor Stoles 
How do I establish a Chapter of Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society at my College/University?
First, check our list of Chapters. If your institution is not listed, you will need:
- A letter from a full-time faculty member in your department, stating their commitment to serve as Faculty Advisor for a minimum of three years. The letter should also include an endorsement from the Chair of your Department.
- A petition for establishment of a new Chapter of Phi Sigma, including a description of your Graduate Program(s). If your Department does not offer graduate degrees (M.S. or Ph.D.), a detailed description of the opportunities for, and extent of, undergraduate involvement in research is required. If research is a required component of your undergraduate curriculum, also include a description of your undergraduate program(s).
- A list, including:
- Names of faculty members who became members of Phi Sigma at other institutions. Include their Chapter and Year of initiation, if available.
- Names of faculty members who will be initiated into your first Initiation Class.
- Names of at least 15 students who are eligible for membership and who will be initiated into your first Initiation Class.
Your letter, petition, and list should be sent to the President of Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society, c/o the National Office. A copy of your letter and petition will be sent to all Active Chapters for voting. Please allow 90 days from date of receipt for approval.
If approved, you will be contacted and required to submit Membership Forms and fees ($50 U.S. per initiate). A framed Charter and engraved Gavel will be created and sent to the Faculty Advisor for your Initiation Ceremony. In addition, embossed, five-color membership certificates will be created by Goose Creek Publishing for all of your initiates, and your initiates also will receive a Phi Sigma key (pin) and a choice of honor cords or stoles for graduation. Please allow an additional six weeks for the production of your Charter, Certificates, and Gavel.
How do I reactivate an Inactive Chapter of Phi Sigma?
You will need:
- A letter from a full-time faculty member in your department, stating their commitment to serve as Faculty Advisor for a minimum of 3 years. The letter should also include an endorsement from the Chair of your Department.
- A list, including:
- Names of faculty members who became members of Phi Sigma at your institution or at other institutions. Include their Chapter and Year of initiation, if available.
- Names of faculty members who will be initiated into your first Initiation Class.
- Names of at least 15 students who are eligible for membership and who will be initiated into your first Initiation Class.
Your letter and list should be sent to the President of Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society, c/o the National Office. If approved, you will be contacted and required to submit Membership Forms and fees ($50 U.S. per initiate). A framed Charter and engraved Gavel (only if originals are no longer available at your institution) will be created and sent to the Faculty Advisor for your Initiation Ceremony. In addition, embossed, five-color membership certificates will be created by Goose Creek Publishing for all of your initiates, and your initiates also will receive a Phi Sigma key (pin) and a choice of honor cords or stoles for graduation.